The Balance
"A young mother is torn between the demands of her budding film career and the love of her family. Will she find the balance, or is she too late?"
The Balance is a story about Kelly, as we follow her through her formative years as a young woman, to the day her whole world changes when she meets Dillon. His love encourages her to grow in her confidence and bravery. After one fateful dinner, Kelly falls in love with the film industry, throwing herself into her new career, she quickly finds success, but at the cost of her happy home life. With one last chance, will Kelly find the balance, or will it be too late?
Running the full gamut of real-life experiences, raw human emotions, this story is peppered with moments of comedy and romance. The balance will take you to the emotional edge, kick you off, and then Bring you back up.
The Inspiration
"The project will always be there, the people won't."
"The Balance” is a real life story, and I hope to spark thoughtful and meaningful communication within families, and in the entertainment industry about what it means to have balance, and how we can support each other in the pursuit of it. I would like to pitch this film to per-marital, and relationship counselors in the hopes that they will assimilate this film and use it as a teaching tool in their courses. This film has the ability to inspire people to look within and take a cathartic journey, as we take you to “the edge”, and kick you right off, but then we cradle you back up with an emotional twist at the end.
The motivation for this story came from a Face Book post of a man who works in this industry looking for advice from anyone who found a way to balance family and the love of their career. He was desperate to know if he would have to give one up, and was reluctant to make a choice. Many of the responses were cynical, negative or really just unhelpful. This was a bold and sad illustration of the sweeping epidemic that plagues the arts and entertainment industry. Broken families, lost relationships, hurt and anger that have eventually inspired the negative reactions to the fore mentioned post
It’s sad to see that something once so beautiful to these people, whether it was their relationships or the love of their career, became a source of pain. “The Balance” was inspired by the people on that Facebook page that day, and the fact that this is a real issue “across the board” regardless of industry, gender, orientation, or age. We hope that audiences will be inspired to look inwards and find their life’s balance.